Dr. Sjon Hartman
Junior Professor
Full name:
Johannes Gerardus Wilhelmus (Sjon) Hartman
Biology II / III
University of Freiburg
Schänzlestrasse 1
79104 Freiburg im Breisgau
+49 761 203 97206
A Bit About Me
From the first moments I could walk I have been gathering and examining little plants and critters. During my Biology studies I realized that I really enjoyed researching organisms (mostly plants) at the molecular level to understand visibile physiological responses. Since then, I have been captivated by understanding how plants sense their environment and use the integration of these signals to grow optimally.
During my PhD studies I discovered that I also really enjoy science communication / outreach and I aim to continue to share my fascination for biology and plant science to lay audiences through special events and interviews.
Education & Work Experience
January 2022 - Now
Dec 2020 - Dec 2021
Sept 2015 - Dec 2020
Sept 2010 - July 2015
Group Leader of Plant Environmental Signalling and Development at the University of Freiburg, Germany.
Postdoctoral Rubicon Fellow at the Gibbs lab, University of Birmingham, UK. Here I studied whether plants have the innate capacity for flooding stress memory and the underlying mechanisms.
PhD student / Post doc at Plant Ecophysiology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Here I studied how the early flooding signal ethylene acclimates plants to low oxygen stress.
MSc and BSc student (Environmental) Biology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Research internships at the Plant Ecophysiology group (Utrecht University) and Holdsworth lab (University of Nottingham).